Hey you, fishlips!

“I’ll sure be happy when Friday comes around!”  Seems like I’m always “waiting” for the weekend.   Well, its come… and gone…  about a few hundred times.   Am I Happy?

I’ve also already received thousands of other things that I wanted over the years.  So, am I happy NOW?

Green_Highlander_salmon_flyA Buddhist friend used to warn me that Pain was in the attachment to things. “Look for the trap in all your cravings. There is a hook in the bait.”   I think I understand now what the hook is.

One of the hooks, was delaying my ability to feel Peace and Joy- right now.

In Happiness at Work, Dr. Rao pointed out that  by following the model of  “IF this…then That” we surrender our Happiness to something we can’t control.   If this happens, or doesn’t happen I’ll be happy. 

Dr. Rao reminded me to not let my happiness be tied to any outcome. “Linking your emotional well-being to the outcome of what you’re striving for is a flawed strategy.”

Don’t be caught.  Avoid the hook. Careful of that shiny flashy thing. You take the bait, and your PEACE or Happiness is tied to it.

Besides, after you take that bait, there will be another, and another, and another…

When will YOU be happy?


6 thoughts on “Hey you, fishlips!

  1. Great post Mikey! 🙂 So many times I have tried to attach my happiness to “things” and outcomes instead of being present and content with just me. It’s amazing how much energy we will invest into things and people all in the hopes for a return on our investment…I am currently working on rewiring my brain lol so I thank you for this post! Very insightful 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Wow…. Just wow. I have never thought of my happiness like that but it’s so true. Lately I’ve been getting upset when things don’t go exactly as planned. This really helped me see the flaw in my ways and provided a great solution.
    Thank you!

    Liked by 3 people

    • thanks for reading, yeah, its been a tough one for me too. I still catch myself (all day) thinking of LATER…. but atleast now i’m seeing the pattern and able to turn it around, before it snowballs…. have a great today, and moment RIGHT NOW, and NOW!:)

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    • Hey Bruce, thanks for stopping by. Dr. Rao’s book Happiness at Work is a great quick read. you can click on the hyperlink in blue in this article, and it will take you to my Book Review of it from last year. hope all is well, and we miss you, love from us.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Great post! It’s a lesson that I have to remind myself of at times. I learned the same lesson a while ago, just can’t remember exactly where though. Has stuck with me ever since.

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