Intention and The Finger

Think back.  Did you know how you were going to meet that special person  who added so much to your life?   Did you specifically know how or when you were going to get the job or the house that you have right now?   Chances are you didn’t.

Oh sure, there were lots, even years, of action – but the final meeting up was quite “co-incidental”.  Like playing a game of chess, or any game, you rarely know the full consequences of any particular move that you make right now.  So, don’t “take score” TOO SOON!!

lighting match, momentum and intentionA Match in a matchbox, has an Intention to create a flame. It doesn’t know Where or What surface it will be struck upon to light it. It doesn’t understand about the Oxygen needed for it.  It can’t control when or where the fingers will be that are needed for the striking of it.  It can only offer its Intent. When conditions are right, a flame will be created.

We can only focus on our Intent. When the time is right, our Oxygen, , and Fingers for striking will show up. We can not predict or force any of those.  Just as we didn’t know how we would end up meeting our pets or mates, or getting (or losing) that last job.  Conditions will manifest, when the time is right.   

Timing  AH, the nasty little bugger in the issue.  Whose timing?     I WANT IT NOW!

If the Universe were to TRY to keep up with what YOU THOUGHT was the “RIGHT” timing, it would throw complete chaos into a perfectly running system.  We think we REALLY want something – BUT give us 20 minutes, or a day, or a month, and we’ve already changed our perspective, or altogether moved on to something else.

The Universe only does what We should do –  focus on IT’S Intent. IT’s been here a lot longer than any of us.  It holds Galaxies together!  It made sure YOU were the winning sperm and egg out of millions, didn’t it!!   IT  knows when conditions are best for ALL parties involved!

So don’t take score too soon.  Be Persistent, Patient and Positive!  OWN your Intention.

There are many fingers and striking surfaces that you are not even aware of, that will come into play. Just as they have in the past.

And remember, YOU also are a Finger.  You also, are someone’s Oxygen that they don’t even know about yet!     You are a gift, an answer, to their Intentions as well.

You have that in YOU!   Go light a fire!

A fish, an ego and the Universe

Ever go snorkeling?  Amazing fun isn’t it?  You can enjoy the incredibly peaceful Flow of Oxygen thru a snorkel as you float on the surface of the warm, safe waters. Aaaahh, like a meditation.

You feel a connection to Pure Source Energy (please use whatever Label you like for IT). You feel Awe, Inspiration, Love, Gentleness, and Appreciation there on the surface.

Suddenly, a Problem Fish swims by. (cue sinister music here…)

The little bugger just chaffed up against  your outer protection, your Ego wet suit.  THE NERVE! You’d like to ignore it, but with enough chaffing of your wet suit, you’ll get a hole and YOU will be exposed. You’d better catch and teach that little fish NOT to do that again!

You could just let it swim by, but no – you want to “school” that nasty fish! (ouch, sorry.)

Photograph by David Wrobel, SeaPics

As you stare at it and think of a Defense, the Problem Fish draws your Attention downward.  You suddenly find yourself amazed at the shifting and complicated patterns of it. It seemed so simple at first, but the more attention you give it, you see it really has some attitude about it.

You take a huge gulp of air and you dive down to chase this little nemesis. As you dive down, you increase your distance from your natural FLOW of Oxygen, your Life Sustaining Energy, and instantly feel worse.

You’ve left the warm feelings of Freedom, and a relaxed Awareness to feeling pressure and tight. Oh, you REALLY HAVE  TO catch and fillet that thing now!   Get the wasabi or tartar sauce ready!

Painfully, as you give it more Attention, it continues to swim just a little faster than you and remains elusively out of your reach.

Feel the power of that litte fish!  It’s ugly and only a few inches long, but it seems to have the strength of the mightiest sea Kraken of yore. Rather than just letting it go, IT now seems to be dragging you down into the depths.

You’ve almost forgotten how Easy and Balanced you used to feel up top.

The Surface still calls to you, but you don’t hear it.  Your Attention has shifted.

Gently bring your attention back to the Peacefulness of the Energy, the Oxygen that gives us all LIFE.   Refocus you attention.

Re-center and Just Let Go.

The Universe has your back!  Remember when YOU USED TO  Feel its Warmth?