The Ultimate Light Show – NOW in a theater in you

OK, so it’s “Blockbuster” movie season. Make your own popcorn or snack and let’s review the most beautiful show around.  Your Life.

You have an amazing life source of ENERGY at the center of you – call it whatever word you want.  Your life is what is projected onto a nearby wall for you and others to see.

Question is – Why isn’t it just a bright white light shining on that wall?

your own projection - LIFE

your own projection – LIFE

Each of us have our own fixed ideas, negative beliefs, and “emotional baggage” creating unique filters that inhibit 100% LIGHT from coming forth.

As we project shadow and light, Flow and lack of Flow, we create a beautiful and unique show. We live.

We as the Director, can decide to just watch it repeat itself as time spins, or we can adjust our focus and beliefs – to change the show we experience.

As we alter certain beliefs, or alleviate fearful thoughts that manipulate the filter that allows our TRUE SELVES to radiate thru – we change our light show.

Einstein once said, “Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions.”

So, do you see what’s a coming attraction in your life, or is it the same old repeated movie?  Use your imagination to adjust your own private blockages, (your own shadows) and also for ways to allow your talents and Flow to come out.

Regardless of what you decide to direct or just watch – it’s still your life.  It’s a beautiful show like no other.

Energy and You – creating a unique BlockBuster that’s never been seen.  Enjoy it.  (And know that others around you are secretly enjoying it too! They just snuck in without paying, but get to enjoy your creation as well!!) 

And don’t take it too seriously, it’s just a light show.

Do you have these 7 signs of a hidden Momentum?

Let’s be honest, the treadmill sucks!

However, once you have a momentum going, a repeated pattern of muscle movement, it almost takes more energy and thought to actually STOP your legs.  You find that at some point, the Momentum that you created carries you.ommentu running

A some point, we’ve created and let our own Momentum carry us on almost every subject in our life.

Think about the last time you said “That person, barking dog, political party, job, etc… is driving me crazy.” The word “driving”- pop – instantly shows some hidden Momentum.

What you have focused on is a repeated action or a thought or a person and, like the treadmill, your focused energy is NOW carrying you!  That single action, look, or comment becomes your “hot button” that was just waiting to be tapped or pushed, to reveal a behind-the-scenes Momentum in you.

It may be too fast, too slow or exactly what you want – but Everything has a Momentum.

For example, do you;

  • Love Fridays and hate Mondays?
  • Sometimes feel you’re “going nowhere” in life despite constantly busy?
  • Feel that your health and financial status remain the same no matter what you try?
  • Occasionally say, “Oh, I hate when that happens”, or “when They do that!”
  • Have knee-jerk reaction to particular words or phrases?
  • Crave a good night’s sleep?
  • Continue to attract the same kind of people into your life,wanted or unwanted?

We have given everything in our life a Momentum of it’s own. Our responsibility is to see it.  Our POWER is in our free will to decide whether it’s taking us where we want to go, or not.

Albert Einstein said “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”   In other words, to keep getting more of the same, keep thinking the same way.

You have the power to change your life.  Be willing to look at your own Momentum.


Lots more information on How to Change Momentum in your life, in future blogs.  Enjoy.