BE YOU- just Bloom!

Some of us are put in place just to add contrast and color. 20180728_070336_Richtone(HDR) to add contrast

Some of us are there to Feed and Nourish others.

20180728_070738_Richtone(HDR) cucumbers in garden

helping me make more Cucumbers


Some Thrive in groups.20180729_163229_Richtone(HDR) some in groups

Some Thrive by themselves, or where they’re least expected. 

20180729_154345 totally by yourself, but a beacon!

also along a trail on Mt Hood

Some have come and gone and left their marks that will NOT be forgotten. 20180729_162626 some are gone, but have left their mark

Some are there, along the path of Life, just to Inspire.

20180729_105525_Richtone(HDR) along the trail

looking off trail at Mt. Hood.   Thanks for the inspiration today.

Wherever you are TODAY- right now-  Enjoy the Blooming of YOUR Life. 

                    BE YOU!      Bloom Wherever YOU’RE planted, my Friend.  🙂 

The Top 7 Ways You Rock My Boat

Mother Teresa once said, “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”    You do that.  Everyday.

Your Family, your Friends, your Readers, and countless strangers – all feel daily ripples that YOU create by what you throw out there. You throw letters and punctuation. Sometimes you throw glances, voice inflections, actions or laughter.

You create waves endlessly, and most of them go unnoticed by you.   making waves

But – DON’T think it goes unnoticed, or isn’t felt by anyone.    YOU MATTER!

 Did you know-

  1. That quite a few people saw your message, your post or your photo on a social post, and it Inspired them, made them Laugh, or just helped them FEEL GOOD!! Even though they didn’t take the time to “Like” or “Favorite” it, you still touched their day.  Quietly, there is an appreciation of YOU. (And the karmic Universe is Not Deaf, either.)
  2. Do you know that the person you smiled at today -who was having a rough day – YOUR smile gave them a needed positive lift that pushed their own confidence into a better place! They are beginning to feel whole again, thanks to you.
  3. The person whom you allowed to cut you off in traffic today (who was busy focusing on a personal crisis in their life) Appreciated Your Kindness.  They thank you, let it go.
  4. That extra $Tip that you left for your food/drink server was the last little amount they needed to pay their bills this week, or buy a gift for someone they love. Maybe it just added to their own feeling of “I AM WORTHY”.   You rocked it.
  5. The cashier who made a mistake, and You recognized it as just that- a simple mistake that you might have made at one time as well.   She appreciates you for your understanding and helped her feel that she CAN do this new job and Things will get better!
  6. The stranger that saw YOU do something well, was inspired to try again. 
  7. That wonderful laughter of yours, lifted me, it warmed me, and reminded me “Life IS Good.” Thank YOU!!!

There are endless ripples YOU create every day, but just don’t see or know about!

Like the ringing of a bell.  Just because YOU no longer hear the sound, doesn’t mean the sound wave, or vibration, has stopped.  It didn’t.

Energy ripples endlessly.  Thanks – You Rock My Boat, my friends!