Beware the woodchips in your life!

The path was sterile and easily walked.  No seeds had sprouted on the path, nothing was growing where the daily footsteps fell repeatedly.

pathFor any seeds to grow, they had to fall on fertile, UN-trampled soil. Soil NOT walked upon every day.  Yes, my Subconscious, my Habits, and my contentment with status quo- were nothing more than mental herbicides.

But venture off of any path and see where all kinds of seeds and ideas have sprouted, and grown and produced a totally different landscape to enjoy. Fuller, thicker vegetation, flowers, moss, lichen, plants and trees which invited even more wildlife in.    Imagine-  Rich new, and even crazy ideas, that may even  be TRUE!   Stay Curious! Stay Alive!

The path may be comfortable –  but is a boat built to stay in the harbor?

Do something different today.   Maybe listen to a new Youtube video from a different speaker, read a random page from a favorite book,  take a walk in a different area, or just respond differently to an expected remark.

Let a forest of vegetation,  a rainforest of ideas – thrive in your life.  A path is easy and habitual, but you’ll also get the same results and scenery in your life as everyone else.      Does it really sound like its working for those around you?

Wander a little,  you’ll be okay.   TODAY –  Its an opportunity to be YOU!

Tasting Notes for Life

Ever go wine tasting and not quite know what tastes you were experiencing?   Swirling around- is that melon and oak – or is it more of an aged Fig?  Then you listen to the wine steward, and she tells you – “it’s actually tasting notes of  honeycomb, warm summer straw, slate and aged tobacco.”   Of course- What a Neanderthal!  What am I – a beer drinker?!  (yes)

4lawofattractionThat’s a Big Secret to Life uncorked.   Your creative side and imagination was quietly whispering to you one thing, but someone else is telling you- “The Truth”.   So, I taste it again and – How bizarre –  now all I can taste is the “sweet, warm summer straw and tobacco flavors”.

The important question for each us, is  WHO IS YOUR SOMALIER IN LIFE?

Your inner self, your indigenous spirit, and thoughts would lead you one way, but unfortunately we all are surrounded by “wanna’ be somaliers”!  Everyone telling you HOW IT REALLY IS, what life really tastes like, how to LABEL it, what it’s made of, how to drink it, etc….     Once we hear, or read, their interpretation of LIFE, it’s very easy to lean in that direction. To find those flavors, they suggest.   We all tend to see what we expect to see, or taste in LIFE.

Be your own wine steward!   If you taste bubble gum and dried wood, then say it, be it, live it!    Let YOUR imagination and YOUR experience be your guide – Not someone else’s intellect, or imagination.  

HOMEWORK-  GO DRINK!  Drink in LIFE to the fullest.  Drink it up with zest, and listen to your inner somalier, your  feelings, and your spirit to decipher your own experiences.

Trust your own intuition, imagination, questions, experiences, problems, answers, and speed of life to age your own unique, full-bodied Tasting notes on life.    And Enjoy.