Beware the woodchips in your life!

The path was sterile and easily walked.  No seeds had sprouted on the path, nothing was growing where the daily footsteps fell repeatedly.

pathFor any seeds to grow, they had to fall on fertile, UN-trampled soil. Soil NOT walked upon every day.  Yes, my Subconscious, my Habits, and my contentment with status quo- were nothing more than mental herbicides.

But venture off of any path and see where all kinds of seeds and ideas have sprouted, and grown and produced a totally different landscape to enjoy. Fuller, thicker vegetation, flowers, moss, lichen, plants and trees which invited even more wildlife in.    Imagine-  Rich new, and even crazy ideas, that may even  be TRUE!   Stay Curious! Stay Alive!

The path may be comfortable –  but is a boat built to stay in the harbor?

Do something different today.   Maybe listen to a new Youtube video from a different speaker, read a random page from a favorite book,  take a walk in a different area, or just respond differently to an expected remark.

Let a forest of vegetation,  a rainforest of ideas – thrive in your life.  A path is easy and habitual, but you’ll also get the same results and scenery in your life as everyone else.      Does it really sound like its working for those around you?

Wander a little,  you’ll be okay.   TODAY –  Its an opportunity to be YOU!

Happy Birthday to you, on YOUR day-

I was here.

The ancient Inuit people built a pile of rocks in the loose shape of a person and called it an Inukshuk. The Scots piled rocks, sometimes just a few, and called it a Cairn. Sometimes the marking is on public property and we call it Graffiti. Some have wanted a Headstone.  A metaphysical person might call it a Ripple. Some of us use a Blog or Facebook or Tweet or a Book. Some folks use ALL of these and more.

stacked rocks for momentum

People have always wanted to be acknowledged. We want to leave our mark that shows “We Were Here.”  We may think that we are just a pebble dropped in a pool of water- but we want to see we’ve made a wave. We want to see our ripples counted for something. That someone noticed OUR very existence.

Whether those ripples were cast in stones or electrons, you want to leave your mark showing that you were here. YOU matter! 

When we celebrate your birth day, that’s what we celebrate! It’s not about a year of age, it’s about the countless ways YOU’VE touched the world!

Too often, people forget, that EVERYDAY you are creating these ripplesYou create waves endlessly, and most of them only go un-noticed by YOU.

 D0 you know that –

  • Your Family, your Friends, your Job- all feel daily ripples that YOU create.
  • A person you smiled at today that was having a rough day – your smile gave them a needed positive lift that pushed their confidence to a better place!
  • That person who you let cut in front of you in traffic, (who was focused on a personal crisis in their life) appreciated your kindness. They silently thank you.
  • That extra little Tip you left for your food server, was the last little amount they needed to buy a gift for someone they love.
  • The cashier who made a mistake, and you recognized it as just that- a simple mistake.  She appreciated you for your understanding.
  • A couple people saw a message or photo on one of your social medias today, and it cheered them up, made them laugh, and remember good times. And even though they didn’t take the time to “Like or Favorite it”, you still touched their day.  Thanks!
  • The stranger that saw you do something well, was inspired to try again
  • Your laughter lifted me, it warmed me, and reminded me “Life IS Good.” Thanks!

There are endless ripples YOU create every day, but just don’t see or hear about!

Ever ring a bell?  Where does that sound wave go?  The frequency wave might hit your ears, or others, but then keeps travelling.  Just because your ears can’t hear it anymore doesn’t mean the sound ripple stopped. It didn’t. Energy ripples endlessly. YOU are that energy that keeps on rippling through time and space.

There’s an old Scottish Gaelic blessing that goes: “I’ll put a stone on your cairn.”  Today, whether  its an Electronic “Like” or “Favorite”, a Physical smile or a nod, or just a Positive Vibe like a thought – ADD to someone else’s cairn.

Recognize someone else’s ripples. Let them know they were heard. Let them know THEY  matter.    You Do.

(Dedicated to my sister, Marilyn who has done Amazing things in her Life, and continues to create Warm, Kind, and Life-Changing Ripples in all those that she interacts with!!  Not to mention her crazy, positive kids that will continue to ripple loudly, and kindly, for quite a while.   Lots of love to you, Mighty Marilyn!  YOU have made a difference in the world!)