Yes, your friend IS a flake!

Take a snowflake. In fact, look at a whole field of them.  You’ll see just two simple building materials, Hydrogen and Oxygen.  A much simpler “ingredient” list than a human body, right?  Yet, each snowflake is an intricately, six folded symmetry of beautiful design, with very few repeats.snowflake 2

Do you know what organizes the symmetry and what predicts how each molecule will snap into precise place to build such incredibly intricate designs?  No? Don’t worry about it, nobody does.

It’s a bit like tornados as well. Despite being labeled as a  “F4 Tornado” on the Fujita Scale, that specific tornado is uniquely different than every other F4 tornado.  Think about it – at any point in its own life it will have a different collection of building debris, tree limbs, trailer parts, and cows in it than any other “F4 Tornado”.F4 tornado

Spinning where they are in the tornado because of their mass, or when and where they got sucked up- it is not the dirt or the metal  pieces, the cows or the trailer parts that make the tornado. Those parts make it visible, that’s all.  The Energy would be there regardless of having picked up those specific particles, or not, right?

Sure we like to label a tornado, or a person, or a body, or a snowflake, or a “bad day” or “good day”, or even a Thought.  But when you look closer, nothing is just a label. It is always an interactive mosaic of Energies.

You are only experiencing or seeing the “trailer parts” that have been picked up by the energies.

Here’s the most important part –  Just like a Tornado or a Stream or even You – a second after you’ve “measured” and labeled “it” –  it’s exact location and vector, or it’s precise quantities of materials and atoms,  it’s energy – has changed. 

In less time than it took you to label it, it has  already changed into something else.

Although we have quite a few more ingredients in our bodies than a snowflake, or a tornado, each of us are snapped together quite uniquely, and for the most part, quite beautifully.

Every second, each of our energies continue to pick up and discard different things, and we continue to change.

Labels be damned!   I’m my own spinning energy arranged like no other.  And so are YOU! And, so is your friend.

We label and talk with illusions but LIVE what IS.

Around 4,700 years ago, The Buddha discussed the Secret of the ancients  “We are what we think”.  What you give your focus to, creates your world.

2,700 years later, another teacher expressed “Do unto others as you would have done to you”.   Sound more familiar?  As you see and treat people, so it comes back to you.

In about 45AD  the phrase “As you sow, so shall you reap” came about.

Over 6,000 years of advice regarding a type of continuation of energy. Like attracts like.

As technology increased our ability to look into smaller parts of our physical realm, the greats like Newton, Maxwell and Einstein all found similar descriptions, when turning from Macro to Micro. In the late 1800’s, in fact, Maxwell said that “If there was a difference between the speed of rotation of neighboring vortices, then forces were exerted and states of stress arose.” 

Just another way of discussing and labeling the same Universal Vibrational Energy.

law of attraction and momentum are just words

Love and Goodness regardless of words….

People and energies that vibrate the same, tend to be drawn to each other.

Still today, after hundreds of thousands of YEARS, we still try to understand and label with OUR own current Labels and Technology and Perception – the truth behind Life.

I would like to think that most of us realize that we are no different than any other generation thru history – that thought they had it all figured out.

No – the Earth is not the center of the Universe, smoking is NOT good for your skin, Leeches do NOT solve headaches and arthritis, the Gene does NOT control who you become, electrons are NOT the smallest particle that make up things (just as Earth, Fire, Water and Spirit were NOT), Gods do not drive the sun across the sky in a chariot daily, and on and on and on. Expansion in comprehension, and new labels, will never stop.

I believe Satprem said it best – “It’s extraordinary how all our science (and religion) is just “beside the point”, a kind of mechanical caricature of “something” that totally escapes it.”  

My caricature, an illusion, a mere shadow of WHAT IS, (Science or Religion), is just a historical and temporary understanding.

My “mechanical caricature” of the whole Energy cycle is Momentum.  Whether you are “Thinking”, “Doing unto others”, “Sewing/Reaping” or “exerting forces against another vibration” – that same experience will continue to grow and gain Force. Everything expands.

The question becomes a basic one of –  Does my own personal shadow that I look at-provide the Momentum  in a favorable direction?