“A chicken and some toilet paper”


…..she said as the car door closed.

55 minutes later, out comes a cart, my wife and a receipt for $167. 58!!   I guess the price of those oven roasted chickens has really sky-rocketed.

From Kitchenettes to Kosher Rolls to Tires and Telephones – you can get almost anything at some of these huge shopping centers and “Big Box” stores.   

The biggest reason they’re so popular is because generally, I think a lot of us are lazy. Some of us just like to go grab a 6’ cart and go wander in a Big Box store and drift through it to SEE WHAT WE GET.

costco picture

Guaranteed you will come out with stuff you had no Intention of getting, am I right? You’ll use it, but you certainly didn’t know you wanted it until it was presented to you so conveniently, so it ends up in your cart.

The problem starts when we start “Big Boxing” our LIFE.  As a sperm, we all fought for THE goal – That Egg!      But then, as we grew older, we learned to wander, to become Unfocused.  We begin to “Big- Box” our Lives.  

  • Do you just settle for, and take what you easily wander by every day in life?
  • OR – Do you actively seek with a specific Intention?

It’s the difference between a flashlight and a candle.  One focuses the frequencies of energy (light) and become a more useful tool in life.  Look what a laser can do with even more focused frequencies! Ouch.

Do you have “stuff” in your life that you don’t want?  “Stuff” that you would have never asked for?  Maybe it was put in your cart by you without any thought.   Do not be distracted by the constant, barrage of opinions and thoughts that do not align with YOUR own.  Don’t let others fill your cart.

Hocus Pocus Focus.   With alignment of intentions, energy and focused thoughts – comes Magic

“A chicken and some toilet paper.”

“Just a chicken and some toilet paper,”  she said as the car door closed.

45 minutes later, out comes a cart, my wife and a receipt for $167. 58.   I guess the price (and size) of those oven roasted chickens has really sky-rocketed!

From Kitchenettes, Kosher Rolls, and Kidneys; to Tires, Tomatoes and Telephones – you can get almost anything at some of these huge shopping centers and “Big Box” stores. 

The biggest reason they’re so popular is because generally, I think a lot of us are lazy. Some folks just love to wander a mall. Some of us just like to go grab a 6’ cart and go wander in a Big Box store and drift through it to see what we get.

costco picture

Just a wandering…

Guaranteed you come out with stuff you had no Intention of getting, am I right? You’ll use it, but you certainly didn’t know you wanted it until you saw it, so it ends up in your cart.

The problem starts when we start “Big Boxing” our life.  As a sperm, we all fight for a spot, then enter, and then just casually wander around and settle on (and buy) what we happen to see. We end up keeping what was put in front of us.   STOP  Re-read that.That’s a description of life.

  • Do you just settle for, and take what you happen to wander by every day in life?
  • OR – Do you actively seek with a specific Intent?

When you do not Intentionally focus your energies on what is Wanted, how do you know whether the Law of Attraction is “working” for you or not?  

How can you say that your Momentum is not taking you in the right direction, if you don’t know what your focus is on?

  •  Try this. Take a breather and just stand up for a minute. (I sure hope you’re not in your car…) Seriously, stand up and put your arms out and up like you’ve just won a world record, (you can almost hear the crowds cheering for you.) Stand comfortably on your tiptoes and now close your eyes. How hard is it to stay balanced?
  • OK, now assuming you didn’t hurt yourself, do the same thing with your arms out and up, (yes, again hear the crowds shouting your name- you rock star you!) but this time keep your eyes open and see how much easier it is to keep your balance?

When you have a focus in your life, the other senses (frequencies) just align naturally to help you.

“Wandering” only brings more of what you didn’t really want, or need, into your life.

Do you have “stuff” in your life that you don’t want? “Stuff” you would have never asked for?  What need or focus brought it in?    

Align with your focus and stay true.

(But remember, Everyone does have a focus of their own – and sometimes they “focus” on the whole store!!!  Ouch.) 


  More great stuff to come this week on Momentum and You!