The Law of Attraction will bring you a Zucchini.

As the grocery bags filled our kitchen counter, I had to ask “Why’d you buy the zucchini?”

I hadn’t asked for it. I can’t stand the stuff. In fact, as a kid I used to run over it with the riding mower “accidentally”, as it grew conveniantly at the garden’s edge. Years later, I believe there’s still a dislike between the two of us. So why did it come into my kitchen?

My wife let me know. As usual, it was my fault.

I should have been clearer, I guess, when I wrote “Fresh Summer-time Veggies” on the shopping list. I should have called her at the store to be specific – “I would like some fresh spinach, tomatoes or peas.”

It reminded me of when I was Purchasing for a career.  I knew that the earlier in the process, and the farther from my docks that I could catch the truck, the better chance I had at supplementing or changing What I Was Ordering.

Like in Life, more purposeful focus beforehand equals more agreement with what shows up later.  After the truck shows up at our dock, there is NO further Momentum on it.  As we’ve discussed before, it’s hard to steer a parked car.

However, there IS NEW Momentum for the PO being written today for the truck that shows up tomorrow, or next week or ten years from now. Purchasing is a daily job and takes a keen eye at all times.

Itzhak Bentov’s wild read called Stalking the Wild Pendulum says on these mechanics of Consciousness;

“Matter, being made of quanta of energy, is the vibrating, changing component of pure consciousness. Therefore, we can divide creation into two components, the Absolute and the Relative. The Absolute is fixed, eternal, and invisible, while the Relative is the visible, manifest and changing aspect.”

They have been called by many labels through the centuries, Absolute vs Relative,  Enfolded vs Unfolded, David Bohm’s Famous Implicate order vs the Explicate order, or the Unmanifested vs Manifested states of being. In words for my wife and sister-in-laws to easily relate to – One is the root stock for the vineyard, and the other is the bottle of of attraction prayer boards

Call it what you want but as your own Purchaser, you pull life, experience and inventory from the unseen into the seen. The Vibration, the Wanting, the PO, the Intention, the Prayer, the Asking, the Idea, the Blueprints.. (Labels are so cumbersome!) – ALL COME FIRST.

Regardless of if I changed my mind at the last second, or put nails on the road way or pretended the warehouse was closed – that ordered truck had a load to deliver. Period.  I could spend lots of time studying the type of truck, the length of it, the wheel size, and then break it down to the wheel bearing, and then break that down to alloy-steel ratio, and on and on. I could really look at the delivery system called “a truck” as it sat outside my dock – BUT NEVER-THE-LESS, IT WOULD STILL BE THERE.

Remember the 30 minute Spirit Shine I suggested in the morning, along with you incredible hair?  What a great time to include “writing your daily PO” for what matters most in your life.

Get up in the am, and write that Purchase Order for yourself, and enjoy the feeling of spiritually checking the box that says SEND. Guaranteed, after 30 mornings of trying this, you’ll see different trucks start showing up at YOUR dock.

You’ll probably have the same hair and stubble to deal with, but Life will be a little easier and more agreeable.  You’ll definitely spend less time hiding from trucks filled with inventory that you just don’t want.


PS.  Dear ZEALOT (Zucchinis Eaten ALOT)- Please do not fill my message boards with the amazing goodness of this nasty vegetable.  I prefer to grow them big, split them and stack them like cord wood along the fence row, and save them as fuel for winter.  Thank you.



Stalking the Wild Pendulum, by Itzhak Bentov

One word summary for the book-  Zip-Line.

Itzhak invites us in innocently enough by talk of vibrations and frequency. Next thing you know he’s discussing frequency coherency and holograms. Suddenly, you’re strapped in and he’s pushed you off the edge and you are on a crazy Bentov Bender zip line through the consciousness of the cosmos. Hang on.

Forty years after this was written, I believe this book still pushes the edge of what we think about our place in the Universe, ourselves as holograms, and how Consciousness interacts with the Universe.

Just a few of the Free Toys inside this heavy box of Bentov Bran Flakes include:

  • Everything comes down to frequency. Get the right frequency and you entrain with the cosmos. Your energy can travel around the world seven times a second.
  • His own model of the Universe (even designed after a jelly doughnut) complete with Black Holes, White Holes, Matter, an Axis of Time, Light Escapement, the Universal Mind Hologram, Expansion and Informational Fields of Energy.  You’ve never seen toys like this.
  • Discussions on Relative Realities, Levels of Evolution and Consciousness Hierarchies.
  • Ideas suggesting Poltergeists, ESP, Psychokinesis,Psychic Healing and other phenomena, Telepathy, and Mystical experiences are all just consciousness on a higher level.

A real masterpiece of creativity and a plethora of crazy ideas, mixed with plenty of hand drawn graphs and doodles to exemplify his points.

I believe you could  kick back and randomly open the book and discuss any idea on a given page for hours with your buddies.

Oh, by the way, it would really help if your buddies were also a stoned Hippie, an Astro-Physicist, and a Philosopher.
