Clucking in the social media coop

Dear Reader – Allow me to ask you a question so I can learn from your perspective. Thanks!   First, let me tell you what initiated the question.

According to Eckhart Tolle’s “A New Earth – Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose”

  • the ego “Justifys, attacks, blames, defends its position…
  • “the ego will play a role to get what it needs- “material gain, a sense of power, superiority or specialness, or some kind of gratification be it physical or psychological.”
  • “there is nothing that strengthens the ego more than being right.”
  • “Awareness and ego cannot co-exist”
  • the truth, in any case, needs no defense. The light or sound does not care about what you or anybody else thinks.You are defending yourself…”

I would say I agree with those ideas, how ’bout you? Now, look at Social media. Yes, even including MY own blog, as well as everyone’s Facebook, Twitter, etc….

Law of Attraction and chicken coop social mediaScroll thru any Social Media and you’ll hear millions of chickens clucking. I am one of them, I can admit that.

So, when is clucking like a chicken warranted? You have learned, or created something (like a chicken that clucks when it lays an egg) and you want to share it. You build a platform so you can get YOUR learned message out there. Some people will learn from it. Most will only hear more clucking.

My Question – Is building a platform for any message just an EGO building exercise as a person shouts what they think is right?

I’ve learned a lot from others. I’m glad they shouted, wrote a book, gave a lecture, created a blog, a bible, a mandate, philosophy, or dharma . Their platform’s message helped me live a fuller life.  How can that be just a negative Ego practice of communicating what They Believe is right?

  • Like a state fair, every chicken has something to offer that is different from the other chickens. What’s wrong with letting the differences show, or being presented?  Like my website or yours?  Is that only Ego gratification?
  • Oprah built a platform. Eckhart built one too. They both have books and shows and even talk about each other.  Millions have lived richer lives because of both.

Yet, what kind of platform does the (ego-less) light, or sound or flower need?


Be happy you’re Not the nose picker!

OK, maybe that’s not what everyone does with the “Index finger”, but each of our fingers has several purposes, right?

Ever admire your hand before? Take a look and admire yours no matter what they look like. Each of those digits you have has an individual talent of their own.

  1. Thumb – well known for texting, hitchiking, and allowing you to say something is “OK”.
  2. Pointer finger – excellent nose cleaner -(yes we CAN see you in your car!), mouse clicker, and all round favorite finger next to, of course, the ….
  3. Middle finger – when our mind can’t express frustration quick enough, this digit sure can, often TOO quickly.
  4. Ring finger – let’s people know your marriage situation and overall space filler.
  5. Pinky finger- balancer for the whole hand and lets people properly know I’m enjoying my cup of tea.

thanks to WikipediaLike a set of fingers, each of us have our talents. I’m glad I don’t have ALL pointer fingers, or all thumbs. Imagine trying to successfully do any task with five of any one of them.

Using the whole hand together, look at what you can do compared to just one finger’s strength.

When we use all of them together our strengths are multiplied. We can welcome or wave goodbye. We can lift or tear down. We can give or take. We can beat upon or massage. Together, the whole unit can Pray and heal.

Diversity, having different vantage points, is our advantage to solving Any problem. You don’t have to be an entire hand to have a solution, or to be a positive part of it.  We each bring our own perspective, strength, and power. Together we can solve anything.

Remember that, the next time you hear a thumb spouting Thumb rhetoric, if you’re a Pinky. When you feel someone loudly proclaiming Middle-finger views, just remember that all perspectives together create the solutions as well as the problems.

The middle finger never could say “You’re OK!” very well, (I wouldn’t try it!). Yet the thumb, or maybe a combination of  thumb and forefinger together in a circle can say it quite easily. For each perspective, ability, or “dis”ability, there is another perspective or ability that balances it.

By supporting each other, and honoring diversity, we gain the advantage of strength.